Thursday, 5 December 2013

Elevator Party

So this happened... Funny story:

I major in graphic design and this semester I am doing a Colour Theory course and of my classmates and I went to CNC3 for a field trip last week Thursday to see how their "blue screen" is used. I know the story doesn't sound funny, but I promise it gets better.

When the tour was done, on our way down the elevator we had an impromptu "elevator party". I assure you this is something I would never part take ever. I would usually be thinking "Are these people crazy? Are their cameras watching us? I'm sure their are cameras watching us." Instead of doing my usual thing and second guessing myself, I embraced the moment and this we totally had an elevator party.

It was actually super fun... I think the video says it all.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Simply Thanks

For all of you that prayed for my baby nephew, I thank you a million times over. His surgery was yesterday and it was a success. He is strong and he continues to get stronger. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I know this seemingly has nothing to do with my the challenge that I have taken upon myself but I beg to differ.

I have never been the type of person to reach out for help, even when things have been out of my hands. My nature has never been to think, "hmmm, this or that is happening in my life, let me tell someone about it and ask for help" and that is not right. At times in life it is necessary to seek help from others. 

I can't use the excuse that I want to be independent anymore, and I don't think anyone should (not that being independent is bad, it just has a time and place). There will always be a time in life where SOMEONE is needed, whether it's a family member, a friend, or God, and we (I) need to be willing to reach out and accept it. 

Strength is also knowing when to reach out for help.

For everyone that reads my blogs, THANK YOU, not only for my nephew but for hearing me out and making me feel like I can do this. I am growing and you have played a part in it.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Being Honest

This week has been crazy for me and my family, my sister actually gave birth on Monday to my adorable nephew Tristan. It was all bitter sweet, we are all happy for the new addition to the family except baby Tristan is sick an has been in the Intensive Care Unit since birth and is scheduled to have surgery sometime this week. I haven't gotten out much this week, only leaving home to go to the hospital and to go to school so unfortunately I was unable to really focus on breaking out of my shell.

I didn't want to not post anything at all this week so I decided to let you guys know what's going on in my life at the moment.

Please keep him in your prayers.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Seeing A Crack In The Shell

This journey has definitely been a learning experience, I have been learning things about myself that I believe I may not have noticed otherwise. This Friday was my sister's baby shower and I had to play host.

This got me thinking about the numerous times we have had 'limes' at my home and I would show my face for a period of time and eventually go back into my room and find something else to do. You would think this was situations where it was my parents' friends, but no, I would even do this with family, and not only at my own home, but also and other family members' homes. 

WOW! Am I that bad....or should I say "was"...please tell me I'm not the only one with this problem.

I truly do find comfort in being by myself, I feel confined when in big groups. I'm always nervous about what I should and should not say. My shyness was totally put to the test on Friday... Me going from being the girl who usually ends up in her room before the end of the night, to being the host....LIKE WHAT!!! Lol

It was totally not what I expected actually.

I was extremely nervous when the first game came along (and I did want to retreat to my room) but as the night went on it became easier....I even made a couple of jokes, and people actually laughed, lol. The night was a success, there were no awkward moments, and my sister had a blast (her words, not mine....I'm not lying, lol).

So the next time there's something at my home, I will challenge myself to not retreat to my room but truly make an effort to talk to people...

Things are always as bad as they may seem.

Sunday, 10 November 2013


Hey guys, I'm gonna switch it up a bit this week and show you some images that have inspired me to keep going along my journey. Pinterest has played a big roll in keeping me inspired, whenever I feel down or feel like not doing anything on any particular day I tap on my Pinterest app and head over to the 'Quotes' area and let the images inspire me.

Here's a bit of what has helped me along the way:

I hope this has inspired someone in some way.

Check out other quotes that have inspired me on my "He Said...She Said" board on Pinterest

Friday, 1 November 2013

Outside Of My Comfort Zone

In the spirit of Halloween I painted my face yesterday (well half of it). I was a butterfly =].

I usually try my hardest to blend into the background, I really don't like drawing attention to myself but for some reason when I walked into school and I saw my friend who had her face painting kit, I decided to take the plunge.

As she was painting I remembered thinks "Daniella, what are you doing? People are going to watch you" but I sucked it up and let her continue, lol. It actually was not that bad, people saw and continued with their lives, no one stopped and asked a question or anything ( I'm guessing that was because it was Halloween). 

This made me think about the fact that I may have been unknowingly worrying about how others perceive me, and that is not what life is about. I have to do what makes me happy and it was fun doing something I don't usually do.

P.S. It did help that I was not in City Campus but in The North Learning Centre and I was also totally out staged by my friend that came with a knife protruding from his chest.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Getting A Little Personal

I am the type of person that appreciates personal space and time spent alone, but I never realized how intense that feeling was until recently. 

My sister moved to St. Vincent a little over two years ago when she got married and now that she's pregnant she decided to come back home to have the baby. I know doesn't really sound like a big deal, right, and I guess it isn't, but it's taking me a while to adjust to this.

I live in a four bedroom home, with my parents and brother, and we'll currently my sister. Unlike when we were growing up, the forth bedroom is currently unlivable (I call it the storage room) so my sister is staying with me in my room. Also shouldn't be a big deal, but it's a readjustment to me.

A little history: Even within my family, although we are really close I always thought of my room as my sanctuary and it has always been the space where I spend most of my time (even when my family members are all in the living room I was the one that was away from everyone else, always doing my own thing. MY SHELL APPARENTLY EXTENDS TO WITHIN MY FAMILY (but I have been working on that and we are a lot closer than we were in the past).

Anywhoooo, back on target...

It's really stranger for me to go back to being the "little sister" it's especially hard having her in a room with me. She is for lack of a better word...messy, and to me everything has it's place ( slight OCD complex, don't judge). I even have a routine, a time to get up, even a time to make my bed (again don't judge, lol), and that has all been messed up since she's kinda annoying (I probably sound like a brat) but honestly I think anyone that is used to doing things a particular way struggles when somewhat pushed out of your comfort zone.

I must say, it is getting better, we don't wanna kill each other, I mean I do love her (shhhhhh....don't tell her I said that). 
This is another way that I'm breaking out of my shell, even though it's by force. It's good to break out of your typical schedule and accept things as they come, and that's what I'm trying to do.

I've got a while till her due date, if anyone wants to come teach her how to be more organized feel free, LOL. 

Friday, 18 October 2013

Its Not About Me

Sooooooo....this blog (like its title suggests) is not about me, instead I want to highlight a friend of mine.

Ok I feel a bit hypocritical now since I am gonna start with something about me, but bare with me here....

Since I've been writing these blogs, and breaking out of my shell (writing these blogs are also part of me breaking out of my shell, trust me I would never have done this) I have kind of inspired a friend of mine to start here own blogs. She is an amazing writer who is using her life experiences (not only hers, but also friends) to help others progress through life and also aids in understanding others.

Please check out her blogs, leave her some tips and tricks, and most of all encourage her to continue...

P.s. She has no idea I'm doing this, Shalane, don't hate me *hides face*

Monday, 14 October 2013

Fun Night...

I said fun, and i totally had a spongebob moment...don't ask *shaking my head*

So I didn't chicken out, I went to my friend's birthday hang out on Saturday...guess who the friend was, my previous stranger danger =). Well she's obviously far from being a stranger's the...

Despite my original reservations about the night, I totally enjoyed myself, from talking randomness, to dancing for food and doing the salsa in Bootleggers. I don't think my words can say enough, check out the pics, and for your viewing pleasure, there's even a video.

Tikira's decorative way of saying happy birthday

they were doing the salsa, sorry no pics of me, but i did try.

Don't forget to check the video out:

I know I did not write a lot and there aren't that many pictures either, it probably seemed boring but I assure you it wasn't, it was important that Jay had fun and she did which she assured us of that same night with a Facebook status.

I'm slowly but surely breaking out of my shell, and I'm having the greatest journey along the way.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Never Judge A Book...

Show of hands, who speaks to taxi drivers?

If you put up your hand, sorry i didn't see, hahaha (I KNOW STALE!)

Anywho! I don't like to interact with taxi drivers, actually I don't like to interact with people *hides face* but I did yesterday.

I usually see young male taxi drivers as creepers praying on young unsuspecting women and that's exactly how I felt yesterday. I went into a taxi on my way to school and when the last person came out of the car the driver turned to me and asked "Why you so quiet, somebody get yuh vex?" I'm not gonna lie, I thought *why is this guy talking to me* but for some reason in that moment my thought quickly changed to *I should put myself out there and respond* and I did.

In stead of having the conversation that I thought we would have, with the typical "I think you're cute" follow up we actually had a conversation about school and free education. He talked about how he's from Laventille and he thinks it is truly a blessing to see the youths in the area that are trying to further themselves. About how great it is to drive down the main road and see youths in their COSTAATT t-shirts taking advantage of the gift of free education that they have been given.

WOW! Not what I expected.

We talked about staying motivated, he commended me for never having failed a subject since attending COSTAATT, and encouraged me to keep my head on straight the way I have been and that he expects great things from me in life.


Talking to strangers is getting a little easier, if the conversations are like this I don't mind.

To anyone that is like me give yourself the chance open up to new experiences.

Don't forget to check out, like and follow my Facebook and Twitter page listed on your left, along with my Pinterest "He Said...She Said" board where I gain inspiration to keep going.

I believed and so I did =)

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Total Rant

This project is definitely testing me. I'm usually not a person that is very present on social media, while I do have a Facebook, that was about it, I had a Facebook which was the same as me not having one at all. I guess my shyness also transfers onto the internet. I thought trying to break out of my shell would only transfer to the physical world, but its beginning to seep into the cyber world as well.

I created a Twitter account!?!?!? Like what?

I know most (young) people have Twitter accounts but if you talk to any of my friends you'll hear the same thing: "Daniella said she would never join Twitter" so you can imagine their surprise when I told them I did it. When I say Twitter, I don't just mean my Twitter account for the blog which by the way is (check it out, follow it) but I created a personal Twitter also (not gonna post that one, lol).

Even me doing this rant is so different for me, but I'm doing it, lol.

I have to break out of my shell in all ways I guess. The weird thing is, I'm beginning to like it.


Okay, now that that's done *takes a breath*, hope you guys have a great night/day and...

A Special Invitation

I got invited to a birthday lime!!!!! *happy dance*?

QUESTION:Why question mark?
ANSWER: I actually don't really go to these things....yup! I'm that shy.

I usually find excuses to not go to hang outs, especially when I don't know the people that are going, and lets just say, this is one of those circumstances. I will say that I was looking for excuses not to go, but at the end of the day the underlying reason is that I'm freaked out about being around strangers (I THINK I THINK TOO MUCH....LOL).

But you know what, I'm gonna do it!!!!! (determined face)

Pictures and possibly videos pending.

AHHHHHHHHHHHH......this is nerve wracking. Stranger danger, isn't so bad right :/


Monday, 30 September 2013

Embracing The Change

Guess What!?!?!?!?

I'm in todays....

I am usually the type of person who avoids answering these things, but yesterday, while in Port of Spain with a friend, some representatives from Newsday asked us to answer a question for there people in the street section today. I second guessed myself a bit before I agreed to do it, but i decided that in the spirit of embracing my change, I would really step out of my comfort zone and do this.

Check it out, I'm on page 14, the People's Page.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Meet My Stranger

Meet Jandell Thomas John a.k.a. Jay (was a stranger, isn't anymore...wasn't so much of a danger, and still isn't)

So apparently I had nothing to worry about, the meet up went well. That doesn't mean that I'm going to be walking up to random people on the street, at least thats what i think, but Jay has other plans for me. You will know what I mean as you read along.

A little background on Ms. Jay:
As I mentioned in my previous blog she was an introvert that challenged herself to become extroverted. The inspiration came when she went on a three month vacation and became very homesick. She missed Trinidad so much that she decided that when she came back she would no longer be cooped up in her house but instead, make an effort to meet new people.

Her confidence has grown so much that she actually plans to document her meetings with the people of Trinidad and Tobago. This idea came from a Facebook page called HONY (Human of New York)...(check it out, it's really cool) Her plan is to talk to people and have totally unplanned conversations with them and take their pictures (sounds creepy doesn't it, lol...or is it just me?). The concept is not completely out there since she has meet people who agreed to having their pictures taken.

As for me in this mix, I'll be joining her on her ventures, so if you see us coming DON'T run in the next direction...we won't bite (at least I won't).

Oh!!!!! Jay is Great at spoken word, look out for her in two weeks on a friend's blog:

I see great things in her future!

I actually spoke to a new person the same day. I will admit he was a little strange but still kind of cool (but really crazy). I really boosted my confidence in meeting new people.

We're now friends of Facebook....Facebook! Connecting one strange person to another =)

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Stranger Danger

Sounds kind of eerie doesn't it...

If the name doesn't suggest it...Daniella is going to talk/meet up with a complete stranger.

I had a conversation with a friend of mine about this challenge I've given myself, and she actually spoke to a friend of hers who took on the same challenge and is now very extroverted. They also spoke about us potentially meeting up and swapping stories and her giving me ideas.

When she told me about it I was like "oh cool, that will be great" but now I am a bit iffy. This may not be a challenge to most people but it definitely is one for me.

It made me think about myself and the friendships I have now and how they started. They all happened due to outside influence, whether it be because we were in the same class and were put into groups or because we had a friend in common (who I probably met through one of those circumstances). Wow...guess I'm not as friendly as I thought I was.

Please tell me I'm not the only one with this problem. *hides face*

The transition of meeting this 'stranger' was made a little easier though...lets see if you can's social media...if you guessed Facebook you were...WRO..RIGHT. ( I know that was cheesy, I'm shaking my own head). She added me and we had somewhat of a conversation about meeting up sometime this week. I'm not scared, but I am really nervous. Pathetic I know. LOL.

I'll keep you posted on how it goes. She already said her process made her a little crazy, at least I'm getting a taste of what I may become.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

The Beginning


I am just starting and I am already nervous.

My blog is called "Breaking My Shell" because that is exactly what I plan on doing. I am someone that was brought up in a way that you can describe as sheltered and because of that I am a very introverted person. During the next couple of weeks I am going to challenge my self with tasks that will allow me to break out of my little shell and learn to experience the world for all it is worth. As for what those tasks are, stay tuned =)

Join me on my journey to becoming a bolder braver me, and you never know you may get some laughs along the way.