Friday, 29 November 2013

Simply Thanks

For all of you that prayed for my baby nephew, I thank you a million times over. His surgery was yesterday and it was a success. He is strong and he continues to get stronger. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I know this seemingly has nothing to do with my the challenge that I have taken upon myself but I beg to differ.

I have never been the type of person to reach out for help, even when things have been out of my hands. My nature has never been to think, "hmmm, this or that is happening in my life, let me tell someone about it and ask for help" and that is not right. At times in life it is necessary to seek help from others. 

I can't use the excuse that I want to be independent anymore, and I don't think anyone should (not that being independent is bad, it just has a time and place). There will always be a time in life where SOMEONE is needed, whether it's a family member, a friend, or God, and we (I) need to be willing to reach out and accept it. 

Strength is also knowing when to reach out for help.

For everyone that reads my blogs, THANK YOU, not only for my nephew but for hearing me out and making me feel like I can do this. I am growing and you have played a part in it.

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