Friday, 11 October 2013

Never Judge A Book...

Show of hands, who speaks to taxi drivers?

If you put up your hand, sorry i didn't see, hahaha (I KNOW STALE!)

Anywho! I don't like to interact with taxi drivers, actually I don't like to interact with people *hides face* but I did yesterday.

I usually see young male taxi drivers as creepers praying on young unsuspecting women and that's exactly how I felt yesterday. I went into a taxi on my way to school and when the last person came out of the car the driver turned to me and asked "Why you so quiet, somebody get yuh vex?" I'm not gonna lie, I thought *why is this guy talking to me* but for some reason in that moment my thought quickly changed to *I should put myself out there and respond* and I did.

In stead of having the conversation that I thought we would have, with the typical "I think you're cute" follow up we actually had a conversation about school and free education. He talked about how he's from Laventille and he thinks it is truly a blessing to see the youths in the area that are trying to further themselves. About how great it is to drive down the main road and see youths in their COSTAATT t-shirts taking advantage of the gift of free education that they have been given.

WOW! Not what I expected.

We talked about staying motivated, he commended me for never having failed a subject since attending COSTAATT, and encouraged me to keep my head on straight the way I have been and that he expects great things from me in life.


Talking to strangers is getting a little easier, if the conversations are like this I don't mind.

To anyone that is like me give yourself the chance open up to new experiences.

Don't forget to check out, like and follow my Facebook and Twitter page listed on your left, along with my Pinterest "He Said...She Said" board where I gain inspiration to keep going.

I believed and so I did =)

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