Jandell Thomas John a.k.a. Jay (was a stranger, isn't anymore...wasn't so much of a danger, and still isn't)
So apparently I had nothing to worry about, the meet up went well. That doesn't mean that I'm going to be walking up to random people on the street, at least thats what i think, but Jay has other plans for me. You will know what I mean as you read along.
A little background on Ms. Jay:
As I mentioned in my previous blog she was an introvert that challenged herself to become extroverted. The inspiration came when she went on a three month vacation and became very homesick. She missed Trinidad so much that she decided that when she came back she would no longer be cooped up in her house but instead, make an effort to meet new people.
Her confidence has grown so much that she actually plans to document her meetings with the people of Trinidad and Tobago. This idea came from a Facebook page called HONY (Human of New York)...(check it out, it's really cool) Her plan is to talk to people and have totally unplanned conversations with them and take their pictures (sounds creepy doesn't it, lol...or is it just me?). The concept is not completely out there since she has meet people who agreed to having their pictures taken.
As for me in this mix, I'll be joining her on her ventures, so if you see us coming DON'T run in the next direction...we won't bite (at least I won't).
Oh!!!!! Jay is Great at spoken word, look out for her in two weeks on a friend's blog:
I see great things in her future!
I actually spoke to a new person the same day. I will admit he was a little strange but still kind of cool (but really crazy). I really boosted my confidence in meeting new people.
We're now friends of Facebook....Facebook! Connecting one strange person to another =)